Outlander Inventory Outlander Sport Inventory
Starting Price
Base Engine
Base Horsepower
Base Torque
Max. Cargo Volume
Total Passenger Volume
Are you having trouble deciding on which SUV fits you better, the Mitsubishi Outlander vs. Outlander Sport? Hey, we understand. It’s hard to choose between the two. Either SUV would make a great car for any Brooklyn Center family. To help you decide which is better for your household, though, we’ve put together the detailed Mitsubishi Outlander Sport vs. Outlander comparison below.
The good news is that you won’t have to break your wallet, regardless of which SUV you buy. Both the Outlander and Outlander Sport are affordably priced. But the MSRP for the Outlander Sport comes in a little lower than the Mitsubishi Outlander. This is to be expected, since the Outlander is the bigger vehicle with more options and features. Of course, you should check out our new vehicle specials for the best deals.
There’s enough power under the hoods of both of these quality-engineered SUVs to enable you to handle our Minneapolis roads with confidence. The Mitsubishi Outlander comes standard with a 181-hp, 2.5-liter, 4-Cylinder engine, while the Outlander Sport has a 148-hp, 2.0-liter, 4-Cylinder engine. That half of a liter does make a difference when it comes to horsepower and torque. Here are the specs:
Our Maple Grove customers need space. There’s plenty of space for both your passengers and cargo in either the Outlander Sport or Outlander. The Outlander offers a little more. Here are the dimensions:
Are you ready to get behind the wheel of your next vehicle? Luther Brookdale Mitsubishi has helped lots of customers just like you from St. Paul and beyond to find the car that’s just right for them. You can start today by filling out our online finance application. Feel free to contact us today with any questions!